Worn during morning prayers and on occasions like the Bar/Bat Mitzvah, the tallit is a beautiful and important garment that should be cared for as such. Made from materials like cotton, silk and wool, many individuals worry about damaging their tallit and avoid washing it to keep it looking like new. Since this holy garment must be kept clean and in good repair at all times, follow advice from The Tallis Lady while cleaning:
Dry Cleaning
Whether you are nervous about cleaning your tallit on your own, are unsure of what type of detergent to use or just don’t have time to get this done on your own, having it dry cleaned is a great idea. Find a dry cleaner in your area that has experience cleaning prayer shawls to ensure that they will be able to properly care for yours. A good cleaner will provide your piece with the attention and care it deserves, providing you with a fresh garment and none of the worries that may accompany at-home cleaning.
Unless something is spilled on your tallit or it gets dirty at the neck, you do not need to wash it. Look over your prayer shawl regularly, paying close attention to the tzitzit. If your shawl is looking worn or knots are unraveling, be sure to have it repaired or consider purchasing a new version. Always keep your tallit folded neatly in the bag it comes in or hang it in a suit bag to keep it from wrinkling.
The Tallis Lady offers men and women’s tallitots in a variety of fabrics and styles. Contact us online or call 201-321-4995 to find the right prayer shawl for you.